July 16, 2011

-First Draft-

Cold winds from the north hit the long braids I had put up just hours before. On the verge of the coarse hazel colored hair bursting from their loose hold I reached up to tug my cloak closer around my neck and made use of the hood to hide the dancing weaved braids. It didn't take long for that very chill to hit me down to the core, making me realize how thin my skin must be. Nighttime was coming, on the verge of breaking into the suns rays and collecting the heat with it. With a short exhale, I used my breath to warm the free hand close to my face, then shifted my weight to keep my muscles moving. It would be at least another hour before he arrived and I needed to keep my mind focused elsewhere.

The winds died, but the brisk air remained. My mind wandered, trying to just think of anything else. Suddenly, Calton came to my mind, the very man I was waiting on now. It had been three years, since I last saw this man. The one who was in many ways, a father to me and my sister. Three years, at this very spot, he came to meet us both.. my twin more anxious then myself. He spoke with his deep rugged tone that secretly I adored. "It's only cold, because there's no meat on your bones." Often he teased us. My sister would always scoff and grow silent. I would more or less respond with my occasional flirt; "Can't attract the men with a thick waist, can we?"

Another harsh gush of wind. Sure enough in three years I managed to pack on some weight, but from the training I received in the empire. My once feminine form was no longer lanky, but filled with tone muscle and harsh scars. Calton didn't approve. Not many did. As I braced the winds, I glanced down from the skies to look at the fields before me. Far, far in the distance I made out a tiny blip in my vision, much darker then the dead stalks of the wheat. It was him, still some time away, but I could almost hear his voice now; saying something I knew I would dislike. "Your husband's dead."


Kimberly's Note: This was a first rough draft of Ruthi. A few changes have been made, but I liked this moment. Also, the last line.. about her dead husband. Well, that's changed as well. I thought the idea of a husband who was alive - but their relationship a rocky one would be more intriguing. 


Calton was my cane, my rock on the path of this journey. He sheltered my husband through the hardest of moments one could bare. With the agony of my torment raging in my head I knew he would be the light at my dusk, making the sky alive with the tranquility of sunset. With my sister long taken from me in the prime of her life, all I had now was the man who raised us and the husband I barely got to know. All were ones I cared for, but he.. Calton. He was mine and mine alone in this hard world.

Absolutely no family was perfect, but he was the best that he could be. With wrinkles that sagged like a candle, dying too close to the hearth and icy eyes that seemed to always be in a narrowed glare my dear Calton would have been the only one I would have called father. He knew nothing of the life I led after my betrothed went to that dusky prison, but oh if he did. My mentor would have given me the worst possible lecture... the kind that lasted years.



Kimberly's Note: Not much to say here, other then Calton is more important to the story then even I know yet, lol.

April 27, 2011

-War: A Poem-

Rain falls like thin blades
killing all hope of beautiful light.
With a sharp inhale I realize
this was the same type of night
when my true love fell

a bleak December morn
I think back and know
that no matter what I do
his name will always fade
from my minds eye

come and gone
lasting forever
with a breathless sob
he comes back then goes
with going, he comes

cannons fire and I see
though red flame
that with the sparks of war
my love is gone
but never gone from me

-The Boat-

A thin line of smoke, drawing upwards from the burnt out wick was the only show of movement in the small cabin. Ruthi stared at nothing, nothing that was of grand importance. Yet there was a hanging pain in the air, thick and hot like the blast of a hot summer day after a midday rain shower. As that humid feeling hung around her, the woman slowly drew her courage to move at last. Rising from the wooden stool that had been her retreat for almost four hours now, she pushed off any weariness with a inner vow. The smell of the room was slick with blood, the old wounds that were long sealed on her arms and legs left a residue of her crimson life on the fabric of her clothes. No need to change them now, no need to wipe away the mark of victory.

The cabin had been of no grand importance, save for the fact it was the owner's. The boat she resided on currently should be making port any moment, the short trip between islands was easily done yet unbearable to ones who could barely stand the motions of rocking seas. Unfortunately for Ruthi, her legs were made for land and her body would never allow longer travels on the salty briny. The copper handle in her hand, she drew it back with a quick jerk. Wood caught against each other a moment, making the door heavier then it was. With a satisfied creaking sound the lady was able to move past the frame to find herself struck hard with a gush of sea air. The sunset was almost over, the once blue skies dying off to a darkened navy.

"Colonel." Ever reliant, her few soldiers assigned to her awaited nearby with their full attention.

"Get ready for port." To her left, a scoff. As her men did as told, she turned her attention to the owner of the boat who's distaste was plain. "Something troubling you, Captain?"

"If there was, I am less then likely to explain it to you."

The arrogance in his tone almost drew a smile from her. "Just think, less then a hour and you'll be rid of us."


Kimberly's Note: I took the moment in time idea and placed it here. Editing of course needs to be done.. but I think its coming along.

-A moment-

Sheets hanging off the bed swayed in the same rhythm of the rocking ship. As rocking increased with the sway of the sea, the captain's quarters seemed to come alive with moving objects. Everything was tied down and well placed so nothing would break in the ship, but the candle's flames flickered as the melted wax disturbed the burning wicks. A few of the tall flames danced their final moments as it proved to much and extinguished to leave a small wisp of dark smoke. As the room moved with the dance of the ocean, the sounds of the waves against the hull made another sound erupt from a sleeping man on the tussled bed.


Kimberly's Note: This is really short. I actually wrote this a while ago, but I always thought it captured a moment in time rather well. 

April 21, 2011

-Gale of Words-

Breaking ties was never my strong suit. Speaking of which, who else can really say it is? Who can work hard on building a relationship, put in the effort of learning another persons wants and beliefs; humor and despair, then just at a drop of a hat - let it all go? My husband once told me; "He was so wrapped up in himself, that there was no chance for escape." Escape from what, he never was clear. But I had to break this, I had to sever the thin rope that was already splitting fine threads and bursting out with each passing argument. ( Tharmon ) was not a man I could keep up with. His life was his own and my husband knew that once - yet I had been too blind; or naive to perceive.

I had laughed and cried with him, pushed him to make amends and held back my own feelings of hate. This was my biggest downfall - "Ruthi... you silly woman." My adoptive father would have reprimanded me for being overly trust worthy and my husband would have done worse. But my dear father was now dead and my tolerant husband was lost - for Heavens knows how long. So my mind made up, I was going to put this man in his place and finally cast the last swipe down on the delicate rope with my dagger of words.

"It was done before this began, (Tharmon.) You've made the choices you think wise, now I will do the same."

"It is a fools mistake! The path you set is not going to bring you the peace you desire so much, woman."

It was not his words - but the tone. He sounded so much like my lost husband. His dear younger brother. "Yet I will brave it. Without you."

"If you loose my assistance, you know what will happen. These lands are not as cool and calm as they were years ago, Ruthi. This dammed war has created crevices on peoples hearts wider then any cavern in the mountains. You will die."

Winter had come just weeks before, the icy breeze coming from the north seemed to have loose its bitter chill as it hit my flushed face. "My task will be picked up by the next Knight, then."

A sneer, he seemed so angry. With me, with the state of his anguish. Upon the feeling of cool wind our mares shifted guardedly. "Empire dogs. Your husband would have been revolted."

"Yet your brother would have been proud."

With the reins looped around my hand, I managed to guide my mare towards the north. If  more words had been spoken by the man not ten feet away; the fierce wind muffled the haunting voice.


Kimberly's Notes : Here is what happens when my mind thinks of a certain character. His name is in bold and italic, because its not set in stone yet. Most people say to write what you know.. so I am! Also, my teacher once told me to stick with the type you like to read - which is mostly Fantasy / War / Romance. So this story - this idea for my novel is a mix of everything. Ruthi is of course the main character, who has this task set against her all in the amidst of finding her lost and falsely imprisoned husband.

What I want to know, is how you like the first-person view. I find it so easy to get a flow going when I write in someone's perspective. Yet it may get harder to keep in constantly her mind during the coarse of the story, as it will include whats going on with her husband. Reviews! Please! :)

April 19, 2011

Day One...

This is going to be a short one. Mostly testing out my new blog here, the layout and color scheme. Welcome to all who see this, I hope you'll follow me! I plan on putting up some different stories, or maybe a continuing story.. we will see what happens... after all writing is all about a creative mind, while its good to see where your going, the trip there is always the best. My best ideas come from random words and creative writing. So be ready for that!